Your home can have a fundamental effect on your mental health. Your personal space is your refuge, a place where you can feel safe and relaxed when life gets tough.
The personal spaces in our home sets the stage for many moments in our lives so it’s crucial that your home provides comfort, support, and positive emotional energy.
Creating a calming interior has the power to improve sleep, relationships and productivity whilst reducing stress, anxiety and depression. The human mind and body are interconnected and can be affected by many things, including the environment we live in.
Salt and Steel, a UK retailer featuring beautiful neutral homeware, have put together five ways interiors can be used to combat anxiety and how to create a calming environment.
Credit: Salt and Steel
A neutral colour scheme
Colours have the ability to boost our mood and reduce stress levels. From the shade of the paint on the walls to the colour of your soft furnishings they have the power to transform how you feel.
Using subtle, muted neutral tones such as beige offer the perfect solution according to colour psychology. Rooted in nature, brown and beige tones bring with them a sense of energy, strength and calmness that works wonders in the home.
White is associated with pureness and clarity. Many homes use white to to evoke feelings of newness and cleanliness.
Although some may not consider white to be a colour and instead more of a shade, white is still powerful for lifting spirits when we're feeling down.
Green tones are known to represent natural environments, harmony and peace. Green is also considered one of the most restful and relaxing colours to the human eye, making it key to creating a tranquil environment in the home.
Credit: Media from Wix
Exposure to natural light is integral to mental and physical wellbeing, proven to boost vitamin D, improve sleep quality and enhance productivity and focus.
Introducing natural light into the home can be as simple as introducing reflective surfaces such as coffee tables or mirrors or removing internal window coverings.
Additionally, those looking to maximise natural light in a single room can replace dark furniture and features with lighter objects, wall colours and ceiling colours to ensure more light passes through the room, creating a brighter, warmer environment.
Bringing nature into the home elevates moods, and one of the most effective ways to do this is through the use of house plants and flowers.
Studies conclude that the presence of plants and flowers improved concentration, memory retention and reduced stress.
Credit: Media from Wix
Positive images
Surround yourself with images that make you happy, content and relaxed. For you, these images might be of family members or friends. There might be a particular landscape that you find calming, or a holiday location that makes you remember happy times in your life.
Decluttering your space can make a massive difference to overwhelm and by giving away items that are not used or loved you'll create a calm space that creates joy.